Geneva Jacuzzi :: Soltera :: Bustie (7/29/23)
Lodge Room, Los Angeles
Shot by Justin Higuchi
Review by Esteban Allard-Valdivieso
You have not been to a concert until you have been to a Geneva Jacuzzi concert. The nom de guerre of Geneva Garvin, she is one of the most avant of L.A. -gards, with her genre-blending theatrical stage performances borrowing just as readily from 19th-century Kabuki and 17th-century Harlequinism as they do from 1980s B-horror and 1920s Dadaism. She is a woman whom lives outside her time (and space), always flipping the script on the audience, involving them in her shows in a way that most performers donβt (often her installations/costumes/ensemble characters are designed to twist, rend and meander through the crowd). Somehow both from the distant future, yet simultaneously from deep in our past, she is a walking dance party whom resides in some liminal space between the absurd and the deeply familiar; between the queer and the pop; between Dionysus and Apollo. Once you give Geneva the room she needs to really let loose, youβd better believe she takes full advantage. Saturdayβs show at The Lodge Room in Los Angelesβ Highland Park neighborhood was something bold and beyond that left even her loyalists agape. She is not to be missed, although no new tour dates have been announced. Do I sad about that? A: Yes.
Geneva Jacuzzi

